Thursday, March 17, 2005

scream my lungs out...

you've done it before, u can do it again...
nothing will impede you...
you will also not be alone...
but why do u still feel alone...
the nightmares will be over...
but when...
how long more can u hold on...

what is truth?
if 10 out of 10 ppl tell you the same thing, will u take it to be the absolute truth? or will u deny the truth? i would go for the truth... no more arbitary imagination...

anw, london community gospel choir was really great... 26 bucks for a solid whopping 3hrs performance... felt like a church service praise and worship too... it was engaging with the involvement of audience... we sang, harmonised to amazing grace and danced to the music... thankfully it wasn't like a trance like some churches, but then again, there were some overly zealous ppl, who nearly went bezerk... well, on the whole, it's great... i give it 2 thumbs up...

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