Tuesday, July 20, 2004

all the way team hwachong...

a boys - rj 94, vj 77, hc 67, ac 63
b boys - chs 135, sji 47
a girls - rj 92, hc 83
b girls - rg 51, ny 50, sn 42
i'll like to extend my warmest congratulations to 2 of my juniors, i'm very proud of you... fong yi and joo xiang for doing such a great job in b div long jump... 6.64 and 6.33... fong yi's feat is really remarkable... it's only 2cm away from my pb set last year... i  wanted to break the b div rec but failed miserably 3 yrs ago, but fong yi has come close to it and i'm very happy for him... he's a really good jumper and junior... i'm sure he has more potential to release when he comes to a div...
the results of b div is more or less settled, chs will win the overall title again... i'm very impressed by the talent in this group of juniors... it's the strongest batch ever, i remember 2 years ago, they had a clean sweep of 237 pts, hehe hopefully they can break the 200pts barrier... but our c div is kindda weak... well, whatever things that go up, must come down... i believe the fate of chs will be likedat too... although i hope that chs is always remain strong, but it's an ardous task to be reigning all the time... esp with the entrance of the sports school... hmm, it's really unsual for chs c div to be unplaced currently, but anyway, there are very little c boys events now...
well, i feel what's more impt after all these years is not about winning, but rather the process in striving to win... and the picking up after each failure... what i can see with our hc guys team is the strong will in fighting during comp and trg, which i think my batch lacks in it as compared to my jnrs... i think they are much more knitted together despite the diff trg progs and locations... we were down a few days ago, the upset in long jump, pole vault and so on... but we have risen over these few days... today for the a div triple, wee ming, daryl and jiesong have displayed their potential and their determination, and they came in 3,4,6th... and for shot put, 2,3,5th... it's a good come back even though we're currently 3rd... i'm happy for jenson... after all these years, he has went through many ups and downs... and he didn't perform for his discus... but he has displayed his strong determination, by getting a silver for shot put... it's only attainable through sheer trg and concentration during comp... i'm not sure if it's his pb, but i'm sure that he has given his best in rivaling vicky... jie ren is very commendable for his effort... although he only managed a 7th for 100h, but he was facing a very strong field of competitors... even for cliff who went to volleyball camp back to do high jump... his 1pt is very valuable to the team cuz we lost by 0 pts last year...
as for the girls, although they are in 2nd place, but i believe they have a very high chance in winning the title this year... thanx to the ny juniors who are so zai! well, after a few years, the girls team is once again ny dominated... this was the batch who won the c div for 2 consecutive years... well, i have full faith in the girls team man... it has been a great showing for the past 5 days, keep up the good work...
we may not have the strongest thrower, fastest runner, swiftest jumper, and we may be very different in many ways, but we have come together, closely knitted together...
"i run therefore i was,
i jump therefore i am
i throw therefore i will be
the best..."
all the way team hwachong...

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