Tuesday, December 14, 2004

a happy day...

it's a happy sunny day... 14 hours of sleep... sweet dreams... i just feel happy... refreshed soul... renewed spirit...

well, thanx sean for ur sharing... realised that work is dead, if u can't change ur predicament, change ur attitude towards it... that's the only way to be happy in a times and place where you do not have a choice... so i decided to come to work with a positive mindset, true enough i felt happier, though i still do the same amount of work... we all have a purpose in wherever we are, no matter how bad our situation, (i'm coming to terms with it) there will always be a lesson learnt, an opportunity to mould you to become a better, stronger person...

here's a prayer for everyone...

"dear lord,
please grant me
the serenity,
to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage,
to change the things i can,
and wisdom,
to know the difference..."

rushed to church for mime rehearsal in the evening... was happy... excited... i feel that it's like a replay or rather a reset from 4 years ago... we're singing the same theme song, i'm acting very similar role, the message is the same... but the style and the settings are different... it feels deja vu but yet it feels new... as though i'm given a new lease of life... this xmas will be the turning point... trust in god that it will be...

joan, thanx for the chalet... i really enjoyed the company of everyone... seems like yesterday where we were all together at the same place... doing the same jiaobinish stuff...

i'm just happy today!!!

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