- woke up at 3am
- drove to airport to send chin at 4
- went bfast at geylang at 5
- went to sch at 730 to look for burge
- went back jurong west to fetch kt
- went mindef for despatch at 830
- went kranji for despatch at 10
- went ubi for despatch at 11
- went holland for lunah at 12
- went back to camp at 1pm
- worked till 5
- gave tuition at jurong till 9
- had supper at lao pa sat at 10
- felt boliao and went mt faber with my army friends at 12
- reached home at 230am
total mileage = approx 160km
btw, nearly died when i got home, it's really dangerous to drive when you are feeling so tired...
anyway, talking bout cars, my parents will be changing our sunny into a minivan... it'll prolly be renault kangoo... hehe, the pros of it will be the larger capacity, can fetch more ppl next time... 7 ppl can fit nicely into the "car"... low maintanence, cuz the kangoo uses diesel, it can save us more than half of the cost in maintaning our sunny... cons... it's manual transmission, and the speed limit is 60km/h... but it doesn't really matter cuz i won't speed, esp with this high c.g "car"... this "car" looks kindda funky, not like the traditional vans like the liteace or hiace... in response to joel's calling for ppl to drive continental cars, i will be driving soon hopefully...
renault kangoo express...
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